
Dyfyniadau gan R. Tudur Jones I

Dwi nol ym Mangor a nol a'm dannedd yn yr ymchwil. Ar hyn o bryd dwi'n darllen trwy rifynnau'r 50au o'r Welsh Nation a rhifynnau'r 60au o'r Ddraig Goch, sef papurau Plaid Cymru. R. Tudur Jones, testun fy noethuriaeth, oedd y golygydd yn ystod y ddau ddegawd yma. Dwi wedi codi sawl dyfyniad difyr o'r ysgrifau golygyddol felly dyma rannau rhai, maen debyg y byddaf yn rhannu tipyn dros yr wythnosau nesaf:

In brief, if the London Parliament sanctions the annexation of Tryweryn by the city of Liverpool, England will be as guilty of an act of international aggression as Germany was when she invaded Poland in 1939.
- R. Tudur Jones: Medi 29, 1956

Liberals have been talking about Home Rule for 80 years. They have had an excellent opportunity to achieve it, but it was conveniently forgotten in the years of power. It is too late to talk big now.
- R. Tudur Jones: Medi 22, 1956

A system where Wales and Scotland are in a permanent minority is not a democracy, it is tyranny. Politicians who are afraid to give the people of Wales the right to organise the life of their nation as they see best are obviously guilty men.
- R. Tudur Jones: Ionawr, 1955

Am gonscripsiwn yn y 50au:

The doctrine that we owe even our lives and the lives of our children to the State merely because it has been just towards us is to convert the State into a god, a thing to be worshiped. It is the essence of the Fascist doctrine of the Corporate State.
- R. Tudur Jones: Ionawr, 1956

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